Pass Saliva Drug Testing

Saliva testing is a short-term procedure, commonly used for detecting the presence of nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, meth or cocaine in your saliva. Since this is sometimes a surprise test or possibly a scheduled test used for an insurance test, your must be prepared. Our Ultra Wash Saliva Mouthwash will instantly prevent any toxins in your saliva from registering on the test. Keep a supply on hand so you can pass the surprise saliva test in a few minutes.


Pass a Saliva Drug Test Quickly

With the use of high quality and effective products, you can easily pass saliva drug tests. Oral swab tests are frequently used by employers and can be very easy to pass when you use drug detox for saliva products.

Fast Results

If you need to pass saliva tests in a hurry, there is no need to worry. For the ultimate in quick, effective drug toxin removal, use the Supreme Klean Saliva Detox Mouthwash just before your test. With a few simple steps, this mouthwash will effectively remove all drugs from your saliva for approximately 30 minutes. The Supreme Klean Saliva Pre-Cleanse Tablets are a good choice for both daily detoxing or for use just before a saliva test. It is recommended that heavy drug users take these tablets a day before your test. The tablets must be used with the detox mouthwash, as they will not completely remove toxins from your saliva on their own.

Reliable Results from Home

Saliva drug test kit supplies can be used at home to help you prepare even more for your test. By testing your saliva at home, you can determine if any drugs are present before you go for your test. The Oral Cube 10- Panel Saliva Kit offers detection for 10 types of drugs and is simple to use and highly accurate.  Using a home test kit for saliva can help you know if you need to use more of the tablets and mouthwash to help you pass an oral swab test.

Oral Swab Test Drugs FAQ

Does the mouthwash become weaker over time?

The detox mouthwash effects do lessen the closer you get to the 30 minute timeframe. It is recommended that you take at least one other mouthwash with you to use at the test site in case you end up waiting for your test longer than you expected.